Sunday, November 29, 2009

Table Talk

"God holds the world in His hands."

My husband is attempting to explain God's size and power to our children on this rainy Sunday evening. Amidst candlelight and a fruit dinner I can almost see the "wheels" turning in their little heads. We crack walnuts, pick out seeds from the clementines and see who can make the biggest "pop" sound with their grapes. Emily's mind is still on the earth's Caretaker. She interjects," The whole, entire world? That might be so heavy for Him!"
Heavy on His heart, heavy on His mind, but not heavy for His hands, my little one. You're getting the picture though. When it seems too big, even for your imagination, that's how big our God is.


Camille said...

Even BIGGER!! What a wonderful post! :)

Heather said...

Oh, yes! His size is unexplainable!
I'm so glad there's Someone so much greater than myself... it's so comforting :)