Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sisters (Kind Of)

She lives in New York and that's much too far away. We've been friends since we were thirteen and have considered ourselves "sisters" all this time. Although Tara is only a quick email away, there are days when I'd like to sit on her couch, cup of tea in hand, and pour out my heart to her. Since this isn't possible right now, I'll try to be satisfied with gleaning from her godly wisdom over a phone call.
Love you, dear friend. Until our next ever-too-short visit...


Kathy Schwanke said...

You DO look like sisters!!!

Hopes Handcrafts said... do look very alike! It's such a blessing to had good friends that are like family! (((hugs)))

Heather said...

That's sweet! She is a wonderful friend isn't she?

Anna said...

I can see the similarities!! Hopefully you'll get another visit with her soon.