He didn't call to say he was going to be late.
She's been saying she has a headache again.
He won't lead spiritually.
She is nagging about everything.
Does your marriage have obstacles? Do you pray for unity and peace only to encounter more selfishness and pride in your relationship? Do you wish your marriage was more Christ-like? Here is the story of a couple who is an example of the purest form of love in a marriage--a marriage with major obstacles, but one in which Christ's love is being demonstrated in greater ways than you can imagine. Perhaps their journey will inspire us to greater heights of selflessness in our homes.
Click here to watch the beautiful story of Ian and Larissa...http://vimeo.com/38033654
1199. a restored marriage
1200. God moments with unbelievers
1201. knowing Holy Spirit is doing all the work--I need to be a willing and obedient vessel (phew!)
1202. a ballet teacher who always drives Meg home
1203. walnuts--new found love
1204. hotel excitement--here we go, Anna!
1205. Molly's ILS class and hanging out with her cousins
1206. the completion of a few extra-curricular activities (is it that time already?)
1207. fresh, clean sheets
1208. empty kitchen counters
1209. homeschool work back downstairs--ahhh :)
1210. friends in massage therapy
1211. minimal pain from car accident
1212. longer days with sunshine till after bedtime
1213. smell of the outdoors on their skin
1214. boys and bumper cars on the deck
1215. new friendships and open doors
Thanks for sharing. It's easy to lose focus but so many stories like these remind me of truly blessed I am and how easily I forget to be thankful.
aah yes, we linked up to it through Tim Challies.com. I watched it with Chris. His comment was, "Why does dad always send us videos that make us cry?!" Talk about moving and humbling....thanks for sharing!!
Dear me...a car accident? So sorry to have read that! So glad that it was with minimal pain. :/
I came across Larissa and Ian's story just last week. Oh how incredible it is!! Brought me to tears. How Great our Wonderful LORD is! What a joy to witness their faith in HIM through this trial.
Love to you!
Awesome video. Very inspiring (especially during this very crazy, busy time).
Hotel, baby, here we come!
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