Monday, September 14, 2009

Garden Buffet

She diligently gathers, inviting siblings to the feast,
a bowl of snails, flower petals, shells and bark;
Practicing her culinary skills, she stirs with nature's spoon.
There's pride in her offering and they kindly comply by
pretending to gobble up every last crunchy bite.
A satisfied smile crosses her smudgy mouth and
she wipes grimy, dirt-caked hands on her dress.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Heather!!! Such words! Such beauty! Your life is a picture of your walk with GOD. You've come a loooong way....I learn from YOU, daily!! I love you! You blessed, girl! (Beautiful snapshot of you in your red shirt on your birthday, too - inside-out beauty!!!) Love Mom xoxoxo

Mouse and Magoo said...

Totally Molly!
That is a unique point of veiw of her!

Love you!!!