It's February and I've been thinking a lot about long term planning... at least for the year 2010. Organizing and setting goals is something many of us automatically do when the new year arrives but have you ever thought about planning your character? God's Word teaches us to trust the Lord and He will order our steps, guide us and make our paths straight. I don't believe this means that God wants us to live each day by the "seat of our pants" and hope He controls it for us.
Consequently, I have been thinking a lot about how much better my life would be if I planned my character like I plan a day or a week or a year. There are various ways our character can be shaped. Sometimes it's through trials and sometimes it's through a change in our lives. Sometimes it's simply by growing older. But, can our character be shaped by
planning our reactions, responses, and attitudes? Knowing what God's Word says about what He requires of us and which qualities benefit our lives, could we actually
plan to behave in these ways? There are ways in which I consistently stumble and I've worked at abolishing these characteristics for quite awhile. As I was reading Scripture recently, I became aware that in His infinite wisdom God gave us a way to reject the thoughts and reactions that come to us in a moment of sadness, anger or decision. I've worked on taking my thoughts captive but now I'm trying to plan to do it
before the thoughts arise! I'm planning my responses to people and situations, as much as I can without knowing the future. I'm trusting the Lord for His blessing in my obedience in these areas and for His direction when I encounter a surprise. If I'm acknowledging Him in all my ways, how much more will I be able to be spirit-controlled?
As I read about how my Creator's views me, I understand that He desires to shape me into someone who is successfully able to fight against the attitudes that plague me and ultimately ruin my character, not to mention, my life. I'm actually writing down my negative characteristics and thinking about which situations cause these to rear their ugly heads. Through prayer and commitment to bring these things captive, I believe my character will be shaped in 2010. This is intentional living from which I can only benefit and I'm looking forward to the better character He has in store for me!
How about you? Are there things in your character you'd like to see changed this year? Can you plan your reactions and attitudes to predictable situations by bringing these thought captive to the obedience of Christ? (2Corinthians 10:5)