But, I returned to my world of books and pencils and folding laundry, and I smiled today as I looked long into the faces of my babes. What an honour to live these minutes out with them, to be a facilitator of their journeys. I took joy in getting back to the "mundane", which is often, to me, an unrecognized gift. Not until one is too busy to live out the seeming drudgery of routine and habits, does one long for the simple again. Not that there was anything too complex in my eight day sabbatical, but time slipped away as I pored over books and the Word and how it was all going to play out. Right about now, I'm grateful to embrace my children and just be a mother.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Eight Days
But, I returned to my world of books and pencils and folding laundry, and I smiled today as I looked long into the faces of my babes. What an honour to live these minutes out with them, to be a facilitator of their journeys. I took joy in getting back to the "mundane", which is often, to me, an unrecognized gift. Not until one is too busy to live out the seeming drudgery of routine and habits, does one long for the simple again. Not that there was anything too complex in my eight day sabbatical, but time slipped away as I pored over books and the Word and how it was all going to play out. Right about now, I'm grateful to embrace my children and just be a mother.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
The Perfect Amount of Silliness
I love these girls. Two of them are Meg's real cousins and two just call me "Auntie Heather" because I've been in their lives since before they were born :) The other two are special friends of Meg's from dance, which means she has seen them a couple times a week... for years. Can you imagine the amount of giggling and noisy silliness that was going on at my house? Just the perfect amount.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Winter Returns
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Using Her Talents
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Thaw... Ahhh
Meghan twirls and jumps and freedom brushes wild through her hair. Molly, armed with her collection bag, anticipates nature's goodness. Emily and Oliver race from spindly tree to swampy mud to thick, bullrushy boardwalk, competing in a treasure hunt.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I Don't Deserve This!
(Joining my two moms (one, in-law) and my aunt and their immeasurable hearts for the poor... Mom V. crochets sleeping mats for the Haitian children, my Mom knits blankets for babies left in the fields in Africa while their mothers go to work in the sex-slave-trade, and my Aunt Kathy gives to every single needy person in her life and solicits others to join her--in the gift of giving.
We, as a family, help to provide the materials for these projects but can do a little more. Is there anything you can do in your area with your kids? I want to teach my children to praise God for every blessing, not to feel entitled to the goodness they experience, and to give out of over-flowing hearts... perhaps then, I'll "get it" one day too.)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The Big Surprise
Before: (palm trees, I miss you!)
everyone helped (Meghan also took a lot of photos)
green thumbed girl... I mean, red thumbed :)
we chose red mulch because it matched the neighbours on either side and, it's Florida-ish :)
we added just a few flowers because the soil wasn't the best
Surprise, Mom and Dad! We love you! Enjoy your month.