Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Moved By History

She re-reads the last sentence slowly and wipes her nose. Lowering the book, she meets my gaze and is reassured that I am also aching with sympathy for the main character of the book she's reading to me. Meg was drowing in sorrow over Elli Friedmann's plight and so, with a quiver in her voice, she began to narrate how Elli dragged her wounded mother and brother off the train while the Germans shot at them and their companions. Too much for the young girl in this true story to deal with, too much for Meghan, and apparently, too much for me.

My daughter and I sit across from each other and the two of us quietly weep as Meghan continues. She's taken my place, today, as out-loud-reader and it seems natural. We connect not only with like emotion but also with an understanding that we're both grappling with this senseless evil and can't do anything but cry. She's grown up enough to share this moment with me and I recognize that she has the potential to change the world with her anger against injustice and to live out Jesus' command to help set captives free with the love of God. It's why He sent His Son.

She gathers the strength to deliver the final chapter and I silently pray she'll see beyond prevailing entitlement of North American culture and desire to be more, to do what she's been called to do. She's being moved by history and God has created her to be stirred in this way.
He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

Monday, July 30, 2012


I'm running again--running errands, through the city, around the house, to appointments, sometimes for nothing. I can barely hear His whisper when I'm running but between sliding my debit card and sliding into the van one more time, I sense His presence. He's calling to me, calling for my running to turn toward Him. I recognize that sense. It always sweeps in and settles over me like a dove landing gently and I ponder all the way home how I'm going to find the time to run toward Him. Actually, if I'm honest, it's not time I need, it's priority shifting.

I turn up the road that leads home and I long to run to Him. I know the fulfillment when I open my arms to Him in the morning and embrace His goals for me. I've known what happens when I do; He changes my plans, my running, my direction. He reminds me I'm running aimlessly at times and that it's okay to stop. He shows me what's unnecessary so I don't have to worry that I'm not completing what's important.

Lord, I'm coming home to You.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Down By The Station, Early In The Morning

Two small town train stations were fitted together to create the Lomax home. Phil and Judy were not only kind enough to allow our small homeschool group to "have a gander" but they also turned the morning into a memorable experience for us.
Original artifacts, signage and station tools had been carefully added to the home for authenticity.
Checking out the ax cut marks that decorated the old floor boards. It was obvious where the woodstove had been.Tickets please!
Powerpoint presentation about the railroad's history.Discovering the very cool caboose in the yard--now home to raccoons :)
Thank you, Phil and Judy for a special learning experience! God bless you both!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Till We Meet In Heaven One Day

Periwinkle trumpets gently beckon me to gaze heavenward, as they do at this time each year. In recent years, I've been surprised by them as the thoughts of our baby have become less frequent. We planted these Rose Of Sharon bushes in memory of the little one we miscarried at 16.5 weeks and they've reached toward their Maker ever since.

We know we will see our child again one day because he/she was designed by God and "knit together" by Him (Psalm 139:13). He knew the number of our baby's days and although our dreams were for his/her future here on earth, our tiny one really does belong to the Lord. What a hope we have that because we are His too, we'll be reunited again. That hope has taken the sting out of the pain.
1237. hope that comforts all longing
1238. safe traveling on our vacation
1239. the beauty of the rain forest
1240. brilliant blue morpho butterflies
1241. scarlet macaws and how they mate for life
1242. reuniting with our children
1243. tubing down crashing rapids
1244. connecting with our Costa Rican staff in a personal way
1245. desperately needed downpours yesterday--praise God!
1246. Mom is home and recovering well
1247. prayers that never ceased from family and friends for her
1248. Hilary, Holly, Annie and Leanne who all cared so lovingly for my children while we were away
1249. how my camera still works fairly well after it was dropped twice :(
1250. celebrating 18 years of marriage!
1251. how Meg noticed that I wrote this post on Mama's birthday (perhaps she's worshipping Jesus right now with our baby? what a picture!)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Happiest Place On Earth

It's been called the happiest place on earth and while we were there this past week, we discovered a little of why this might be true. Six couples, friends since highschool, turning 40 this year, trip planned for ten years--where else to go than a location that would bring so much to be enjoyed? Guana Caste, Costa Rica--happy and kind local people.
This tree is FILLED with parakeets!
Ping-pong at our rental home with the rainforest in the background.

Learning to surf.

Enjoying the pool.
Building friendships with the staff.
Cheering our husbands on as they play the Costa Ricans in soccer (futbal). Those silly boys challenged the natives, who were half their age! Score: 14-12 for Costa Rica. Not too bad!
Girl time.
Photographing scarlet macaws in the wild!
Taking a break from shopping in town.
All decked out for zip-lining.
Zip-lining all through the rainforest canopy and through canyons. How did they ever get me to do this? is what went through my mind MANY times!
Riverboat tour through the jungle. White-faced monkeys decided to join us!
Sunsets on the beach.
Fighting for the ball in a game of inner-tube water polo. Iguanas everywhere!

Over a thousand photos stare back at me from my screen and I long to return to Costa Rica, this time with my children. I don't think you can truly see enough of it to be fully satisfied. In a state of constant worship, I swam, tubed, zipped, shopped, visited, strolled, and stood in awe of what my Lord has created for His glory and our pleasure. Some of that "happiness" was due to the long-awaited pampering we received, however, the locals attributed their jovial behaviour to their laid-back, non-competitive philosophy of life. Perhaps the pressures, complications, and entitlement of North Americans rob us of this general sense of well-being. Christians know that no matter where we are in the world, Jesus can give us joy, but I believe it is best received in a place of simplicity and contentment.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hospital Home

It's been her "home" for over three weeks, a tiny space organized with books, notepad and pen, ipod, baked goods from visitors, pictures from grandchildren and a walker. She's more than ready to go home and she's been working hard to strengthen her muscles in preparation. We, her daughters, have floated in and out, lugging necessary items for each day, feeling we're useful at least in that capacity. We never dreamed we'd have to fight for quality care and take a stand against edgy nursing staff. The learning curve has been difficult but around that bend, is the mercy of God--our mother is heading home this week and she is alive and nearly walking again. Thank you to all of the health care team who have been kind and professional--we appreciate you! My sisters and I have been keeping track of visitors, Facebook messages and special notes to my mom. The countless prayers, visits and showering of love has left us shaking our heads in amazement. Dear Friends, you have shared our burden, prayed effectively, and thus, been instrumental in her healing. God bless each of you.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Celebrating Canada

It began with a barbeque and ended with the most spectacular fireworks. After singing and eating with some of our church family, we raced to our favourite spot by the lake to watch colours burst into the night sky, accompanied by a live orchestra. A perfect ending to a celebration of the freedom and beauty of this great land of Canada.

Happy Canada Day! May God keep it glorious and free as we pray for our country and elect wise leadership!