Monday, April 30, 2012

Jumpy And Happy

It's the last day of Friendship Club and my children offer plates of cookies to the people they love to serve. They're greeted by grunts, silence, and a few thank yous. Some friends want to touch them and others are too interested in grabbing a cookie. In any case, my children are at ease in this environment and know that it's their privilege to serve God's special people.

And since our time with them has come to a close for this year, we party like it's going out of style. Musical chairs has our friends jumping for joy and laughing and throwing up their hands in the air. The parachute comes out, they get to whack each other with Styrofoam noodles and they even get an extra cookie.

(Again, I wish I could post photos of their beautiful, joyful faces but my own kidddos will have to do :)
Later, at home, Oliver thoughtfully comments, "I know what God is doing with them, He's making them jumpy and happy so they won't think about doing bad stuff. I do so much bad stuff in a row. I wish God made me like them. Is it a good thing when you are angry with someone and you just tap them instead of hit them?"

I tell my boy doing good or bad things is a choice and that he is blessed to know the difference. But he recognizes that some of our friends aren't always aware of the social reasons we are polite or sit quietly or wait our turn. He's seeing their uninhibited behaviour and wondering why God didn't give him the same kind of freedom. I answer my child as best as I can and then I ponder these questions in my mind for awhile. How wonderful would it be for all of us to be jumpy and happy and not be concerned about whether or not we're being "socially acceptable"? What a different place this world would be.

1183. how they love to serve at Friendship Club
1184. how Natalie always joins me at the front in singing--hymnal open, pretending she's leading from it
1185. the way that Jodie and Michael act like an old married couple there
1186. the way my father-in-law melts into a puddle of sweetness when he's around our friends
1187. the way my mother-in-law is diligent every week to organize everything and play the piano to lead them in worship
1188. the way a few of them blast a laugh, like a horn, when the balls fly up on the parachute
1189. how she silently giggled in that wheelchair and her face shone when I pointed out how beautiful her hairband was
1190. for Baby Brock born yesterday--welcome to the world, number eight! your family will love you like crazy
1191. the way my son is pondering new ideas each day and learning how to articulate things that blow my mind
1192. for Betty and her forever friendship (Samuel de Champlain and Henry Hudson :)
1193. weather that allows our tiny bunny to finally be outside--phew!
1194. twelve sweet puppies
1195. free laminating at the "choo-choo train store" just because Meg was kind and polite to the staff
1196. the way the girls' books turned out in their writing class
1197. how Hilary put together a whole rain forest unit for all ten of us in a matter of days
1198. freedom to homeschool in this great country (God keep our land glorious and free!)

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Stopping over from Ann's place today and your post here made me smile big. My family has a ministry with people who have chronic mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar, etc.) and your story resonates strong with me. Living out the Christ-love to a group of people the world has forgotten is an incredible honor--and oh, it makes me so happy to hear you passing on this privilege to your children. Grace to you, Sister in Him.