Sunday, June 30, 2013

Six Stories: Number Four

How I Met Jesus
When I was a little girl, Mama was very intentional with every word she spoke about Jesus. She wanted her three daughters to accept Him as young as we could say His name. And so, I was just very wee when I told God's Son I loved what He had done for me on the cross and was excited to see Him in Heaven one day. Of course, at that time, I was learning to love Him, but had no idea what I would face in years to come.
One thing Mama always taught us was that God was good and the bad things in life were not from Him. God loves us so much that He hurts when we hurt and so, He actually carries us through hard circumstances. I can absolutely attest to that fact, my children. I've told you some of the difficult things I encountered in my life. Some were things most people experience from time to time and others were such deep wounds that I thought I might never recover. However, it's when I felt all hope was lost that I cried out to Jesus. I remember times when I could almost feel His arms wrapped around me.
I often took Jesus' amazing love for granted and although I didn't get into trouble with the Law or do outwardly rebellious things, I had a proud heart. It was the little things that I know broke the perfect, righteous heart of God. I harboured anger and bitterness inside. I struggled with judging other and gossiping through prayer requests--oh, it was very subtle because I was careful to still act like a Christian. It wasn't until I was grown up that I came face to face with my sin. I was doing the kinds of things that no one sees but God. I learned a very hard lesson and was forced to turn from my sin or I would continue being a "fake" for the rest of my life, I'm sure. I thought I loved Jesus but it was at this point that I realized following Him meant actually living the way He wanted me to. I was finally prepared to truly do that. This is why I always tell you, my precious kiddos, that it's so important to stay receptive to the Holy Spirit's voice.

As Daddy and I raise the four of you, I pray that we would diligently teach you God's Word and introduce you to His Son in such a way that you would desire to know Him more. As you have all received Him into your lives already, I know that His Holy Spirit will guide you and speak to you all about an awesome plan for your life. I pray you'll remain sensitive to the conviction of sin, confess easily, turn from it and live wholeheartedly for Jesus. Life is not easy, but without Jesus, I don't know how true healing and help arrives. More than that, the love He shares with us will blow you away!
Tomorrow I will share the story of how Daddy and I met. 

1 comment:

Anna said...

What a great testimony and a great idea to share these stories with your readers and with your children. You're such an inspiration!!