Friday, May 30, 2014

Everybody Does Their Own Thing

It's a small window of time till those birds can no longer be spotted as easily and so we lay down the books and take advantage of the weather and the barely budding trees. As long as we bring along scooters, a bike, and snacks, everyone is happy. Everybody does their own thing and it makes for an enjoyable adventure!
Point Pelee is the birds' first landing place after a long and tiresome flight and so, my friends, Annie, Cathy and I cottaged there, hoping to catch them before they dispersed north. Two days of staring through binoculars brought me a little closer to the Creator as I stood many times, marveling over the intricate details of colours, lines and feathers. Breathing in the fresh air, walking for eighteen hours between the two days left us tired, peaceful and hopeful for what we'd soon be capturing in our binoculars at home.
This one likes to have her photo taken :)
Somehow, every little thing becomes a gun.
We received a sweet welcome from this Common Yellowthroat the other day.
Identifying the subtle differences between each Thrush keeps things interesting.
Aw, how cute is this Bay-breasted Warbler?
This Mourning Warbler flitted down beside me while the "professional birdwatchers" were looking for him at Pt. Pelee.
Sweet Redstart
Funny, how my friends were searching for this Wood Thrush and when we got home, we realized I had a photo of him on my camera :)
Tiny Yellow Warblers at Pt. Pelee were as plentiful as Robins are here.
Trying to view a flycatcher. We call this the "neck-breaker".
Friendly Chestnut-sided Warbler. He followed us around.
The little Loft Cottage we stayed in at Pt. Pelee. It overlooked Lake Erie.
I had never seen a Scarlet Tanager before!
This Northern Goshawk landed on my neighbour's roof the other day.
Picking flowers makes life lovely.
Loved hanging with this knowledgeable lady.
Funny Green Heron, oh, how you make me laugh!
Beautiful Bird-Nerd (Annie)
Married outdoors-ys :)
I call this Cedar Wax-Wing, the Captain of the Guard.
My little birder. Oliver puts a sticker in his bird book on every bird he's spotted. He's my most interested kiddo.
Three of these Elegant Indigo Buntings in two days? My surprise from God.

Togetherness is the most important ingredient in all this nature-hiking we've been doing lately. I'm so thankful we can each enjoy our own thing while remaining within close proximity to each other and to the living, breathing creation. If you're not a nature-seeker, I encourage you to get a magnifying glass and binoculars and get out there! You'd be surprised what you're missing in your area!

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