Friday, January 1, 2016

It Is Well With My Soul

It's an unopened box and I'm shaking as I untie the strings of 2016. It's not trepidation, but excitement that quakes me. I have the certitude that my future is already covered by God, long before I was born, and I need only to know His will and walk in His ways to find success. Nothing happens to me that has not already passed through His hands. Years ago when I lay curled in fetal position in depression and heartache, I begged the Lord to heal my spirit and fast-forward me to the day I'd once again feel His joy. I knew it would come. I knew my God had me in the palm of His hand. I knew He was the lifter of my head. That's what kept me going and that's what allows me to stand on the brink of a new year and say, It is well with my soul. Where do you want to take me, Lord?

Skating at the arena my sister Hilary rented for all of us! (Even though I have no photos of her :(  Also missing from the pics are Mom and Bruce.)

I've exchanged "Happy New Year" about a hundred times--which is a good thing. But the sound of it becomes tiring and loses meaning after about the 37th time. What is it exactly that we are wishing? I think we desire that everyone we love or meet, who is cordial and returns the phrase, does experience happiness in the year that lies before them. But, the happiest of years are those in which one can say, It is well with my soul. They know to Whom they belong and where they are ultimately going (even if they don't know what tomorrow holds). So, Happy New Year, friends... I wish and pray that you know the peace and joy of Jesus in your heart and that 2016 is a year you look back on and see evidence of how He led you and how that made all the difference!


Heather said...

"Evidence of how He led us and the difference it makes." YES!!! Love, as always, to read your words, my friend.

Anna said...

"It is well with my soul" was my dad's favourite song!! I love the certitude of knowing we belong to Christ and that He holds our future in His hands (because there is so much uncertainty in life)!!God has done miraculous things in your life!

Heather said...

Thank you, Heather!
So true, Anna!