The scent of the newly-born head, the ripples that furrow up the back of the neck, the tight little finger grasp... they disappear.

The pitter-patter of jammied feet, the chubby fingers grasping for Cheerios, the sleepy-headed hair-nest... are slipping by at light-speed.

The backwards "e", the "swing-me-one-more-time", the left shoe proudly strapped to the right foot, donning a super-hero cape in the grocery store... these are drifting out of sight.
The begging, "Watch this, Mommy!", the long-awaited-two-handed-piano song, the still-kiss-it-better, the blanket forts and playing house... are fleeting quickly.
The science project tears, the pride of being picked for the team, the "Just-kiss-me-on-the-cheek now, Mom", the sleep-over pillow-fights... are fading away.
The cramming for tests, the first lipsticked smile, the "may-I-stay-out-later?" phone call... are gone before you know it.

The neatly typed resume, the reciprocated fashion advice, the glittering diamond on an outstretched hand... will be a faint memory.
I LOVE all the baby photos. Gorgeous.
Don't blink. So true.
Of my three girls, whom I recall wearing matching red flannel pajamas (was it just yesterday?), one is now driving, the next can get lessons and a permit to begin driving, and the third is turning 13.
My baby, the 9yo boy, is helping rearrange the living room to make room for the Christmas tree.
It does go so fast.
I know you probably didn't meant to, but you made me cry*
Oh how the time goes by so quickly. I absolutely loved your photos! Makes me teary.
WONDERFUL photos my friend! SUCH treasures!! Your family is blessed to have had you to document it all...sooooo BEAUTIFUL!!! And...they still are young...enjoy every minute! :)
It does go super fast, doesn't it. . .
I have moments when I start to sing "if I could keep time in a bottle. . ." because I just want time to stand still for a little bit:)
My oldest is just younger than your youngest but I had the same feeling on Tuesday, and blogged about the same thing. Funny how each of us have similar thoughts and feelings but unless we talk about them we feel alone. Keep holding onto those precious babes, Heather, and don't worry you'll always be able to borrow mine <3
AAGH!!! Don't talk about it. You're making me cry too. It goes by way to fast. We need to enjoy each moment and each child that God has entrusted to us (before they're all grown up-I don't want to think about it)!!
Cute pictures!
Love, love, love this! What a great way to capture the years that skip past so quickly! Cherish every second!
Oh, I'm going to have to force the clock to slow now. Image bearers and the time is skittering by - your pictures are such a gift. I know I'd buy a book of them. I bet your kids are going to just LOVE passing them to their kids!
The toilet one is a classic.
I'm soaking up each moment so I have no regrets when each fleeting season speeds by...
LOVE this post! :) I'm going to love on my babies!
oh, this was so beautiful in every way , Heather.
Thanks for the precious reminder to treasure these moment. It's easy to lose sight of how sweet they are in the middle of the daily grind.
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