Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Storing Up

I strolled past my brother-in-law's wood-splitting area on the farm yesterday and thought about the hard work that must have gone into chopping and organizing these neatly piled logs. The wisdom in storing up the wood for winter reminded me of something our Pastor spoke about on Sunday. He challenged us to "store up" wisdom by feasting on the Word of God. Like Joseph, who was able to use his wisdom for a later and greater purpose, we must prepare ourselves for what is ahead. While we are able, we must seek for discernment as for silver and search for her as for hidden treasure. Only then will we find the knowledge of God (Prov. 2:3-5). And what will we do with that knowledge? We will be able to face giants in our lives, knowing we can "do all things through Christ who strengthens us" (Phil. 4:13) and we can draw others out of their trouble as well.

holy experience


Traci Michele said...

Hey Heather,

Great post! I found you via "Ann's" blog. Great meeting you.

Have a great day.

Your sister in Christ,

Unknown said...

This speaks to me, for it was an early storing up that saved me I think, along with grace. I've written about it too before.
Thanks for this

Anonymous said...

Amen!! It's important to prepare ourselves BEFORE the battle. It's much harder to fight while trying to equip ourselves during such trials. The armor of God is a great example of this. We need to put it on daily. Great encouragement and reminder.

*Lord help me remember this piece of wisdom day after day.*

Heather said...

Good 1 Mommy!
