Saturday, November 7, 2015

Day Seven: Effective Prayer--Who Wants Some?

Over five thousand women sang, "Shout to the Lord" a capella under the dimmed lights of the stadium. Beth Moore and her team stepped off the stage to conclude the two-day women's event and I lowered my praising hands and tucked my notes into my purse. I was armed with good therapy from the Lord, as administered through this fire-y godly woman. I had requested He'd give me insight into prayer and He never disappoints. The word, effective already leaped from my mind's Rolodex of ideas on the topic so I was thankful when Beth used it as one of her major points. 

Effectiveness is what we're going for when we do this thing called prayer, isn't it? Of course, we're building relationship with our Father, but we so desire to pray in such a way that is powerful and useful and life-changing! Obviously, we are not the ones who work the miracles, but we can prepare ourselves for prayer so that our communication with God is more effective. James 5:17 says that a righteous person is productive in their praying. But, if we are sinners, how does that qualify us? Jesus' blood makes us righteous in God's eyes. (Romans 3) Believing and receiving this great truth and responding in repentance readies us to come before His throne and petition Him. (I John 1:9)

Piggy-backing on that simple, yet profound knowledge, Beth shone a strobe-light on the undeniable link between those who are in the Word of God and the effectiveness of their prayers. Scripture memory allows us to pour out His promises and purposes through our requests, which causes mighty things to occur. Knowing God's words helps them to abide in us. Jesus said when His words abide in us, our supplication will be answered! (John 15:7) One benefit? His will becomes ours. Viewing us as righteous is God's part. Studying the Bible and using it is our response. I want to not only have my prayers answered, I want the fruit of abiding in Him. I'll take two benefits of learning what He says in the Ancient text, please.

Now, in His unfailing mercy, God hears the cry of the desperate drug-addict who's never read a word of Scripture. He rescues the lonely, single mom who can't pay her next bill, but in her destitution remembers the Lord she once served. He answers the plea of the new Christian who hasn't memorized even one Bible verse yet. But for me, for you, woman who knows Him and loves Him, He calls us to grow and abide. We become more effective when we do, and it seems to me like there's nothing I want more than to know the words I pray go forward with power to accomplish much because they're full of life from God's very own lips.

A few women who are growing in power and effectiveness--and a little silliness. 


MAMA said...

The 5 "Englishes" you took in grade 12 really show in your blog. Your word usage is beyond amazing! Holy Spirit leads you in the path you should go. Not a moment, not a road taken, is ever wasted. Praising God for your wonderful sisters-in-love and your great weekend and insights and growth. xo

Heather said...

Thanks, Mom :)