Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Isn't She Lovely?

She throws her hair toward the south
Bending frail and spiny frame
Foliage of lace quivering
Unforgiving winds to blame
Twisting limbs in growth unnoticed
Silent stretch to heaven's care
Bony fingers humbly opening
In her meager offering there.
by Heather

This is our Japanese Maple and I think her character is beautiful. As I was taking photos around our yard, I noticed her winding and twisting growth and it reminded me of how circumstances and pain can cause us to become a little bent over and worn on this journey called life. But as we reach heavenward and open our hands in trust to our Creator, we find sufficient grace for each new day. Our wounds, if offered to God, shape our character into something admirable.
A woman who knows the pain of a few broken limbs but stretches out her arms to the needy--isn't she lovely?

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