Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Surprise Tea Party

On a school day when we work well into the afternoon, we have "Tea Time". This little ritual consists of a special snack with drinks and some thoughtful reflection about art, music, poetry or listening to a read-aloud while painting. My children love this part of the day when we slow down and enjoy the "finer things" in life.
As the girls were preparing, I could hear them whispering and I knew they were probably finding the treats left behind from a barbeque we had last night with friends. When they called me into the kitchen, I was surprised to find a little tea party set up, complete with fairly healthy snacks. Their small, feminine display of flowers and china was sweet and I smiled as I sat down to tea with my three daughters who are practicing the art of hospitality.


sgm said...

Truly these are moments to be thankful!We are with our kids to be able to enjoy 'tea' and the finer things!! Those finer things are the olive branches that surround our tables!!!

Annie said...

Was there raspberry cordial as well???
What beautiful little ladies they are proud, they have a wonderful, generous and giving role model.