Saturday, October 3, 2009

Change of Plans

Everyone was excited to sit in front of the fireplace after dinner. Each of our children were eating diligently and then hurrying off to get ready for bed so they would be the first to get the "good spot" by the fire. There would be treats and everyone was bustling about in great moods... that was until we found out Emily and Oliver had flushed my husband's wedding ring down the toilet for a little bit of fun, earlier in the day. Emily blamed Oliver, who willingly owned up to it. Being two, he was proud of his accomplishment. Suddenly the mood changed and discipline was much needed on the agenda.
After tears and hugs, the two culprits sat quietly without a treat, gazing at the fire and experiencing what forgiveness means. We had a slight change of plans but there's always much opportunity for learning around here. Now, about the small problem of the ring... :(


sgm said...

Losing something to find it, sounds familiar! Interesting how such difficuly brings forth immense opportunity to learn. Glad you still had a warm and cozy fire! Dunc lost his in the ocean on our honeymoon, and FOUND IT!!

Pure Perseverance said...

Awww...! I'm sure the lesson stuck :o). That fire place looks so cozy and inviting!