Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The Maker Of Time
Monday, February 21, 2011
Frayed Edges
Give Him your frayed edges, friends.
Gratitude on this sun-sparkling on the snow Monday:
642. how she bakes cookies with her friends, boys or girls
643. for how he watches Paul Washer sermons in bed on the laptop
644. sun breaking through clouds today
645. fresh laundry smell wafting from my folding area (one of my favourite smells)
646. a messy, soggy mudroom filled with winter wetness... sign of much outdoor fun
647. a king-sized bed when Littles need to squish in mid-night
648. re-reading old journal entries
649. being able to write PRAISE! over requests that were written in those entries!
650. praising for answers that weren't my idea of how they'd be answered (His ways are higher!)
652. Sanctus Real's music--also good--loving skilled Christians using their gifts
653. new insights in the book of James (following this site for studying:
654. following Ann's videos on her book here:
655. washing Molly's frayed and well-loved "blankie" that I quilted for her
656. the way my boy traces my face with his finger before I open my eyes in the morning
657. how we spent Family Day by switching half of our kids with half of their cousins on Terry's side--so fun!
Happy Family Day!

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Our Blood--Fearfully And Wonderfully Made
(just after she removes the needle, Oliver snuggles my arm and makes sure it didn't hurt too much :)
Annie is a nurse and she has all the cool, big words that we love to hear. "God is awesome," is all I keep thinking.
Next, she shows us what a portable ECG device looks like and asks for a volunteer...
My big helper :)
He's not too impressed when they have to be pulled from his skin.
I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Top Ten Things I Love About You
If you haven't noticed, I love you, Terry. Happy Valentine's Day.
Monday, February 14, 2011
A Whole Lotta Lovin' Goin' On
631. a LOVE celebration with big and little cousins at Mama's house
632. Julie's birthday
633. abundance of snow for hollowing out tunnels
634. how Papa laughed and said, "I haven't seen that done since I was a boy!"
635. cupcakes (I may have mentioned this one before... my weakness)
636. for button boxes and piles of stickers and craft items--so much possibility
637. how Molly could have stayed at that table all day making things
638. for how my single girlfriends celebrate Valentines together and make it special
639. for the rich blessings Ann is experiencing from her obedience in writing
640. learning to crochet together... Mom takes over Mama's job in teaching us new "old" things
641. for the privilege I have of spending Valentine's evening with our developmentally disable friends
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Single Valentine
Precious, single woman, when it looks like He's passed you by, that God has forgotten you, that He missed you when He was matching the men and women around you, know that you're so special. He loves you incredibly and miraculously and He has a plan that will astound you. You're His sweet Valentine and He can't wait to share all of His design for your life. Look to Him, trust in Him and rest in His love. Be still. Stop striving. He'll reveal it. He loves His girl.
Friday, February 11, 2011
My Guy
Sunday, February 6, 2011
When Life Gives You Snow...
617. for the way we took a whole evening to honour them--they've been so special to all of us
618. for how my husband cried when we said goodbye and how our pastor has been in tears all day--feel the love :)
619. a little boy who knows his French songs when it seems he's not listening
620. the way she told me she was going to work hard to make me proud (I did tell her I'm always proud)
621. crocheting for the first time! --made little hearts--now I feel like a real woman :)
622. for a polite little guest in our home--a delight to have Meg's friend over!
623. when tough love is taken well--a very difficult thing
624. for all the knitting my mom does for other people in her "sphere of influence"
625. the way she says, "God bless you" to staff at the stores we go to together
626. how all my kids got Second Cup money cards for Christmas--our special "date" place
627. the way he makes hard-boiled eggs every day for our children
628. how Oliver's spots came and went without an ill symptom
629. lemon flavoured fish oil for all of us
630. fresh snow with no footprints--perfect for snow angels
"...And try Me now in this," says the Lord of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it..."
Malachi 3:10b
Friday, February 4, 2011
Luge Run
Beginning with the stairs... bump, bump, bump!
Look, Mom, no hands! Not dealing well with turn-taking
Sliding right up to the camera.
Hiking back
Stunt Sledding