Friday, November 6, 2015

Day Six: Stop Right There

The first time it happened I peeked around to see who was passing by. It was a little uncomfortable but, man, was there power in immediate prayer for our girlfriend who was despairing over her failing marriage! My prayer partner is that woman who grabs you and pulls you in, drops everything to lift up someone to Jesus. There's no "Yes, I'll remember to pray for her..." in her vocabulary because she knows in her humanness she might forget. Instead, she replies, "Let's go to God right now." and bows her head. 

The Bible says that where two or more are gathered together in His name, Jesus is there, and so even though individual, private praying is so very important, agreeing alongside another person is dynamic and effective too. (Matthew 18:20) It's this stop-right-there-prayer that has sharpened me more than any other kind. It gives honour to the urgency of a request and has the faith to call on God in a heartbeat of time because He's as close as the mention of His name. So instead of promising someone you'll pray for them, why not slip into a quiet corner and whisper an appeal for them that very moment. It's likely you'll both be glad you did :)

throwback to summer days...


MAMA said... it!
Praying for your "sisters weekend" God Bless each of you! xo

Heather said...

Had a fabulous time, thanks!