Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Day Twenty-Five: Why Or Who?

The conversation centred around the topic of what is the proper way to communicate with God. The women gave their opinions and were thankful the Lord can handle their "why me-s?" and their wonderings. My girlfriend agreed that David questioned God over and over but then she shared that she'd heard something she'd never forget. Our "whys" are focused on ourselves and our circumstances and so we yearn for answers. She said when we ask, "Who?" (is taking care of my heartache, my future, my finances), we can rest easy because we know our great God is capable. She reminded us that in order to get to this place, we first need to know the One to Whom we are praying: His power, His glory, His ability, His love for us. That resonated with me like a familiar song. Gratitude for that tidbit happening here :)


1 comment:

Camille said...

SO true!! When we know more of Who we are praying to it does settle our wonderful HE is! Hugs, Camille