Monday, November 23, 2009

Train, Don't Try

As Christians we try, try, try and pray, pray, pray for God to change our situation, our habits, our hearts. Our Pastor shared I Timothy 4:7 with us yesterday and encouraged us to train ourselves to be godly. All the trying in the world will get us nowhere. Which are we feeding, our flesh or our spirit? If we're training ourselves by reading the Word, coupled by fasting and praying, the spirit will begin to win over the flesh and the things we've been so desperate for will one by one become clearly defined, answered by the Lord, or discarded by us.
So many times I've thought I was "waiting on the Lord", but in reality, He was waiting on me to be obedient to His Word first. What a waste of time. Now my prayer is, Lord, am I trying on my own strength, while "desperately praying" to You OR am I training myself to live according to Your will and to know Your ways so that I may clearly see what Your desire is for me. As we sang yesterday, "For it's only in Your will that I am free!" Train yourself to be godly, stop trying.


Camille said...

Dear Heather ~ Such a beautiful post...I read it twice through. You are so right...we can try and live the Christian life in our own strength and we fail and fail. I lived many years as a Christian that way. Now I am painfully aware of my sin...more and more and more...He is faithful and He will live through us...if only we will let HIM!

I also enjoyed your pictures and list for "Multitude Monday"...such a powerful thing to routinely give thanks!

Have a wonderful week!

Pure Perseverance said...

Well, ouch! I needed to read that. Thank you ;o).