Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Make new friends
But keep the old
One is silver and
The other, gold
I love you, dear friends! You know who you are... old and new.

Love, Heather


Mouse and Magoo said...

Your MY friend! :)

Haha. Oh my word! Bambi's mother just died! (I hear the movie from the other room.) Sniff. :(

Love you! And thanks for the new shirt and skirt! I love them! So cute.

Just like you! Haha.
Meghan Grace =D

sydney ellen said...

Wow-great poem! I love having new and old friends to, like you!
Sydney xoxo

Camille said...

Did you go to "Pioneer Girls" when you were younger?? I did, and that was one of the songs we sang. You just brought back a lovely memory. :)