Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day Seventeen (of 31 Days)

Young people teaching other young people to draw near... now that's what Paul was talking about when He warned not to let anyone look down on you because of your youth (1 Timothy 4:12). My husband and I have been in awe and thankfulness for our eleven year old daughter, who leads other little girls in prayer, dancing as worship, and mentoring by her example each Saturday. Yesterday was the dance finale and parents, siblings, grandparents and friends were their captive audience--finally :) I hesitated, at first, to allow Meghan to run such a group but I'm grateful that I let my girl shine where she shines best and over the past six weeks, she's proven she can do it. I encourage you to allow your children who exhibit leadership skills to use their gifts for God's glory right now. They're never too young to demonstrate what it means to draw others close to God at their own level... and there's a good chance, they'll make it way more fun :)


sydney ellen said...

Great job, girls! I noticed that Samantha was also a part of the group. ;-) Meghan did such a good job!

Craig and Bethany said...

Do you have any advice in this? Our Janie has a drive to lead. Sometimes I don't know what to do with it. But I don't want to squash it.

Anna said...

Tears are in my eyes. Meghan, you are a very special young lady!!
Looks like Tristan was thrilled to be there!!!