Friday, October 8, 2010

Day Eight (of 31 Days)

There's an old song that Larnelle Harris sings and it goes like this,

I miss My time with you
Those moments together
I want to be with you each day
And it hurts Me when you say you're too busy
Busy trying to serve Me
But how can you serve Me
When your spirit's empty?
There's a longing in my heart
Wanting more than just a part of you
It's true, I miss My time with you

I cringe when I think of the possibility that God sees this excuse in me. Drawing close means that I'll miss my time with Him. I desire to get back to the place where I can't wait to be on my knees. How terribly tragic that I can ebb and flow in my relationship with Him. Making it my life's goal to be more consistent in this is nothing less than an understanding of the greatest need I have as a human created in His image. Is the desire for drawing close beginning to emerge in you? Are you missing Him if you don't set aside the time? The obedience will become the desire. I want calloused knees!
Today, let's read Philippians 1 (especially verse six).

1 comment:

Tightwad In Training said...

There are days that i feel so busy and tired that i forget to have a real conversation with HIm. Yes, i can say a small prayer here and there throughout the day, but actually spend time with Him! :( Thank you for reminder, Heather. He desires a deep relationship with us when we are having a good day (and often forget to call to Him) or when we have a bad day (He bottles our tears Ps 56)