Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day Twenty-One (of 31 Days)

Last night I purged my heart to a dear friend and mentor and she encouraged me to soak myself in worship and listening to God's voice. I was to wrap myself in a blanket and lie down (after the kids were in bed) and be still. She told me to play some praise and worship and to just listen. She knew I needed this.
Well, I couldn't wait until the munchkins were asleep so I could draw close in the way she suggested. I played on my computer and laid on the couch, covered in a warm blanket. I was determined to have this time with the Lord to wash away the day and all it's yuckiness. In the first few minutes I was crying; the words of the worship music were powerful and effective because they were full of Scripture. A little while later, I fell into a peaceful sleep and awoke to worshiping some more. My on-going list I had been rehearsing all day, began to fade and slowly I became more restful and relaxed. The Lord was reminding me of His importance and His rightful place in my priorities.
Won't you take some time out to drench yourself in worship and in listening to His voice? Perhaps even tonight, if you are able. You won't regret it.


sydney ellen said...

I never read this post until now, but I love it!!! Worshipping DOES give us peace and rest, doesn't it?

Craig and Bethany said...

I admire your love for the Lord. It's so present in every moment. Thank-you for sharing it.