Thursday, May 21, 2009

New Eyes

It's all a matter of how you look at it.
You may be able to see your glass as half full, which is positive thinking; but to have new eyes is the power of God in you. Tragic circumstances, betrayal and emotional pain can only be healed by a God who loves you more than you can imagine. He gives you new eyes to look at yourself and your situation. Sometimes you cannot change what has happened or what is happening in your life but your Heavenly Father can remove the sting of the pain and hide you in the shelter of His wings (Psalm 61:4). But there must first be a willingness to receive this love and healing. Part of that restoration sometimes comes through forgiveness.
Did you know that unforgiveness is a blockage to your healing? Ask the Lord today if there's anyone you need to forgive and then wait for Him to reveal that to you. Once He brings a name or names (including yourself) to your mind, forgive them out loud, by the act of your will. The feelings don't always follow immediately, but they will over time. Also, people don't always deserve your forgiveness but those feelings of resentment keep you in bondage. This is the beginning of the road to recovery. God will then give you new eyes to view your situation. How you look at yourself, others, and your circumstances is very instrumental in your healing.

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