Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hugs For Haiti

An earthquake sent an already destitute land into a tailspin of tragedies. Among many difficult circumstances, Haitian children sleep on wet dirt floors. My Mother-in-law, along with some other ladies in her church, is crocheting milk bags to make mats for them. I'm awestruck at the outpouring of love and benevolence I've witnessed and, short of hopping on a plane, I'm pondering how to help myself. My children save our milk bags for their Grandma and we've donated in whatever way we could but my heart aches for the Haitian people. We talk about them, pray for them and read about them. The tragic photos don't scare my children, they elicit compassion, which is exactly what we are to feel. Compassion should drive us to action.

Any ideas of how to give Haiti a big hug? We'd love to help. If your family or one you know is doing something special to relieve their suffering, please share your ideas.

Gratitude List Continues...

345. for living in a country with rich resources and wealth (sooo want to share!)

346. for a our single, 29 year-old female neighbour, who happens to be an electrician! (she came over and installed our oven and microwave--no more camping for awhile :)

347. for a little boy who looks for crosses on every steeple

348. for USB drives... whoever invented them is a genius

349. for the excitement of the veggie harvest we will have in a couple of months

350. for the excitement of the soul harvest I'm anticipating this year

351. for the faithfulness of God when His children have decided to "hit the road"

352. for weary soldiers who remain faithful even when they face terrible circumstances

353. for kids' music that lifts up the name of Jesus... and they think is pretty cool

354. for fireworks! Victoria Day has always been a favourite memory and holiday because of my childhood experiences

355. for Sunday strolls in the woods

356. for fresh flower pots my husband places on my table almost weekly

357. for a day of pure sunshine

358. for the healing of Anna's little adopted baby, whom she doesn't have in her arms yet

359. for clean kitchen floors

holy experience


Unknown said...

I like this.
We don't have milk in bags here. tee hee. But seriously, if we did, I would send mine :) A great idea.

I'll be praying :)

Camille said...

Good day Heather! So precious that your family is remembering the Haitian wonderful to do something tangible.

I loved your list today ~

#349. for the excitement of the veggie harvest we will have in a couple of months ~ I hope to join you...we plan to plant today or tomorrow...we'll see what happens! :)

#350. for the excitement of the soul harvest I'm anticipating this year ~ Oh how this is so important! I was praying last night and burdened by my need for more time in HIS Word and presence...might we all be faithful to spend that precious time with HIM!

I *love* it that your hubby gives you a pot of flowers WONDERFUL!! How we need to be thankful for the things our husbands do for us...they are so precious aren't they?

Have a lovely week my friend!

Trisha said...

Such an amazing creation and what a blessing to be His hands and feet to others!