Sunday, May 23, 2010

Preparing For The Harvest

It all begins with fertile soil.
Hearts must be ready.

We assess the right time, obediently plant the seeds of His truth, and the Holy Spirit does the rest.

We have prepared our hearts to be witnesses of the Master Gardener but we continue to grow in His garden ourselves so we can know how to share how He cares for His seedlings.

Sometimes we're there to cultivate and other times, that's someone else's place.

Being grafted into the Vine and having our branches pruned are steps along the path of the ultimate gardening endeavour.

We must dust ourselves off and plant again when the Word falls on rocky or thorny soil.

There's joy in the planting, and fellow gardeners share the load.

The more seeds we plant, the greater the harvest.

May 2010 be a revival in the garden and the reaping of an overwhelmingly abundant harvest!

(most photos by Meghan)


Camille said...

Beautiful post! Wonderful pictures...tell Meghan! :)

Have a blessed week!
In His Love,

Tightwad In Training said...

Beautiful garden!!!

Heather@Cultivated Lives said...

What a beautiful post to be attentive to the Spirit's leading in planting, pruning and looking forward to the harvest.