Sunday, May 16, 2010

The View From Here

They needed to get a closer look and so they each struggled, one by one, with the lookout magnifier. Things are clearer when you change your view. You think you've seen Niagara Falls until you look through different eyes.
I've experienced some insecurity lately. The view from here is that God is expecting big things from me. The view from here is that I'm just not measuring up. The view from here is that I'll never be the woman He's called me to be. I try, but some days it seems that I'm one step forward and two steps back.
Somehow, the Word of God slips profound, healing messages into my soul, like drops of sunshine on a rainy mood. I had read the scripture many times, so many that I can quote it. But the text stood out boldly to me when I needed it to minister, "How precious are Your thoughts unto me, O, God." (Psalm 139:17a) They are? Even though You knew I'd be this faltering, selfish woman? Even though You knew I couldn't love You back the same? Even though You knew this wife and mother would choose her own desires time and time again? Your Word says it's true! I accept this truth. And when it's hard to feel that truth, will You squeeze some more of it into the empty, doubting holes in my heart so the view from here can be like Yours?


sgm said...

I too stand amazed that He loves us so much His son died for us. I marvel that my sins are covered. You are not alone in steps forward and back. I too struggle daily reaching the summit of motherhood.
You love your children, your adore your husband and you worship God. That means everything!

Camille said...

How precious that we belong to HIM and HE loved us before the foundation of the world!! "Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to the cross I cling!" It is because the LORD is IN us that we have anything good to offer back to HIM!! How wonderful to rest in those thoughts!! Hang in there...I understand where you are coming from...HE lives THROUGH us...glorious truth!

With Love,

Craig and Bethany said...

I know just what you mean. And I've never thought of that verse in quite that light. Thanks for sharing. We all feel that same way sometimes, at least I do. Even so, I'm blessed from afar by the glory of God in your life.