Thursday, May 13, 2010


"I'm playing with God and Jesus and Lord," he mentions to me as we sit amidst the laundry, "I'm going to take them for a ride on the back of my bike, Mommy."
( Photo by Meghan)


Unknown said...

HOw sweet.
Over here my son is telling me
"When I see Goliath I'm going to scream at him, and den I'm going to KILL HIM...buuuuut I don't have a killing thingy! Why I not have a killing thing?"

Ahh, sunday school. Teaching 2 year olds about death by slingshot.

I'll be honest, it's sort of freaking me out.

Mouse and Magoo said...

It's so funny how he doesn't say God Jesus and the Holy Spirit, it's Lord. He has a kind of accented "R" that make you jsut want to laugh your head off!